Tuesday 28 September 2021

Thailand Fishing Resorts: All You Need to Know


Many anglers dream of taking on huge exotic freshwater fish in a distant tropical land. Whether it’s the mighty Arapaima of the Amazon River or the monster Mekong Catfish of Southeast Asia, people travel thousands of miles for a chance to catch one. But what if you want all the world’s top species in one location? Simple: Head to a Thailand fishing resort.

Over the last 10 years, Thailand has made a name for itself as the land of giants. There are now over a dozen exotic fishing resorts in Thailand. They feature legendary species from around the world, as well as the top catches from Thailand itself. A day at any of them will land you more trophy than you would get in a month anywhere else.

How did Thailand corner the market on monster hunts? What beasts can you find in these lakes? What do you need to know before visiting? 

What Makes Thailand So Good for Fishing?

Thailand may seem like a random location for the world’s best fishing lakes. When most people think of the country, they imagine delicious spicy food, hot tropical weather, and white sandy beaches. But for some, Thailand’s inland waterways have always been fishing heaven. Why? Really, really big fish.

Southeast Asia is home to more than its fair share of river monsters and freshwater giants. In fact, several of the world’s biggest freshwater species live here. On top of that, Thailand shares a climate with the Amazon Rainforest – a land known for its huge and outlandish fish. Throw them all together, and you have the ultimate exotic fishery.

This mix of freshwater heavyweights has drawn some of the biggest names in sportfishing over the years. From tournament winners and world record holders to TV anglers and sportfishing celebrities – nobody can resist the all-star lineup that these lakes hold.

Top Catches in Thailand’s Fishing Resorts

So what can you expect on the end of your line? Every resort has its own mix of species, but there are a few “must haves” in any exotic fish collection. Here are the top catches, and why you’ll really want to land them.


Native to the remote reaches of the Amazon and Essequibo basins, Arapaima are the star of the show for most visiting anglers. These large, aggressive hunters are unlike almost any other fish out there. You can find Arapaima weighing over 300 pounds in many Thai fisheries. They’re worth traveling for and have more than paid for their airfare to Thailand.

Arapaima are bizarre in more than just looks. They’re air-breathing fish, meaning they have to come to the surface to take a breath. This doesn’t mean you can take them out of the water unharmed, though. Their sheer size means that keeping Arapaima out of the water can injure or even kill them. Luckily, most parks have special submersible catch cages to safely handle them.

Siamese Carp

Siamese Carp fishing in Thailand was big long before the first fishing parks opened. This is the largest Carp species in the world, after all. Also known as Giant Barb, these gentle giants can grow to well over 100 pounds. In fact, the current IGFA record was set in a fishing resort in Thailand. The country’s lakes are literally the best place in the world to catch them.

They’re not the only Carp you can catch, either. Yellowcheek and Indian Carp are stocked in several Thai fishing lakes. These may not grow as big as the locals, but they put up a real fight nonetheless. If your idea of a perfect day out is catching three different species of Carp, this is the place for you.

Mekong Giant Catfish

Mekong Giant Catfish are the true heavyweights of Thailand’s freshwater fishing scene. They’re said to reach 10 feet in length and over 700 pounds in weight. The biggest one ever caught on rod and reel weighed “only” 260 pounds, but that’s still more than most saltwater predators. And guess where it was caught? That’s right, in one of Thailand’s fishing resorts.

But what if one monster Catfish doesn’t cut it? Don’t worry, there are plenty more. Amazon Redtail Catfish are one of the most popular species, as are Thai Redtails. Then you’ve got Chao Phraya, Tiger Shovelnose, Niger Ripsaw, Wallago Leeri – who knew there were even that many Catfish out there!

Giant Snakehead

Giant Snakehead are the stuff of nightmares. Growing over 4 feet long and weighing more than 40 pounds, they’re big enough to put the most skilled anglers through their paces. But that’s not the scary bit. Snakehead have a nasty bite which more than earns them their name. On top of that, they’re known to “walk” up onto land and breathe out of water for hours on end.

Still want to catch one? You’re not alone. Giant Snakehead are a popular target in Thailand. They’re stocked in most fishing lakes and they also live in the wild. They’re an important food fish in Southeast Asia and apparently make for great eating, although you have to release the ones you catch in the country’s fishing resorts.

Alligator Gar

So far we’ve had fish that breathe air, fish that can walk on land, and fish that weigh as much as a car. How can things get any stranger? Enter the Alligator Gar. These “dinosaur fish” come from the southern states of the US, where they’ve lived for over 100 million years. They look like a cross between a Pike and a crocodile, and they fight just as hard as either.

Alligator Gar regularly hit the 6-foot mark and can more than 100 pounds. Their scales are so tough people used to use them as arrowheads. Their mouths are lined with two rows of dagger-like teeth. What’s more, they’re able to survive out of water like Snakehead. Seriously, these are the ultimate primal monster.

And More!

Every lake holds something different and there’s simply too much variety to list here. If you’re after something specific you may need to shop around, but you’ll never be lacking for variety. Arowana, Clown Knife Fish (Featherback), Tambaqui, Pacu, Giant Gourami – if it’s big, mean, and exotic, you can bet you’ll find it in Thailand.

Essential Info on Thai Fishing Resorts

So you know the fish and why they’re all in Thailand – you’re pretty much set. Now for some handy tips to help you get the most out of a Thai fishing holiday.

Where to Go

Most of Thailand’s fishing resorts are dotted around the capital of Bangkok, or in the South near Phuket. These are all easy to get to and tend to be the most popular resorts for foreign anglers. However, they’re sometimes less secluded than the remote mountain resorts.

If your trip to Thailand is based purely on the country’s angling, you may be interested in the fisheries hidden in the north near the borders with Laos and Myanmar. These get fewer visitors and are surrounded by more untamed waterways, allowing you to break out on your own in search of wild fish. However, they’re a lot harder to get to than the resorts farther south.

What to Bring

Fishing resorts in Thailand almost always supply their own equipment. More than that, they often discourage anglers from bringing their own. Reputable resorts put their fish first. They like to know that everyone’s using suitable tackle for the size of the fish they’re catching. The exception here is fly fishing gear, which most lakes don’t stock. Again, super-light tackle probably won’t be allowed.

So what should you bring? Not much. Resorts generally have lodging and restaurants, and you can’t keep any of the fish you catch. All you really need is a camera to record those trophy hookups. You can bring your own rods along if you insist, but why waste money on the extra baggage?

Will Your Record Catch Count?

Thai fishing resorts have given the world some real record-breakers over the years. In fact, they’re home to so many huge fish that it seems unfair to compare them to the species’ natural habitats. In the early 2000s, it was common for a single resort to win several IGFA records per year. It seemed almost too good to be true.