Wednesday 29 November 2017


The mighty Kharlovka and its sister river the Eastern Litza are two of the most prolific and interesting trophy salmon rivers in the world! The combination of awesome big fish and the manageable size of the rivers are great assets when compared to other Kola destinations. Both wild and challenging they can provide some of the biggest silver rewards anywhere.

This program enables anglers to fish both systems with helicopter assistance. The region is both wild and challenging and solid walking and wading skills are important. Here virtually all fishing is done while wading and anglers walk between pools, only seeing the chopper at the beginning of each day. Anglers at the Kharlovka main camp enjoy great, little, single occupancy cabins, as well as a super sauna and excellent meals. When condition permit anglers will often get the chance to overnight at the rustic Litza Camp. This is a real treat and one of the most remarkable salmon rivers in the world. Last but not least, the Kharlovka has a large and extraordinary home pool that is available to anglers during the wee hours of the arctic night.

The Kharlovka River sits above the Arctic Circle in Russia at approximately 67°N latitude. It flows W to E and enters the Barents Sea on the NNW coast of the Kola Peninsula. The Kharlovka Lodge is located on the banks of the Kharlovka River itself.  The Eastern Litza River is just southeast of the Kharlovka.

Documentation Requirements:
You will need a valid passport and a Russian tourist Visa. Once we receive your deposit for your trip, we will provide you with all the information needed to get your Russian Visa.  You will need to obtain your Russian Visa approximately 2 months prior to departure.

Fishing Program:
All fishing shall be by “Catch & Release” only. Each team is deployed daily by helicopter to the beat designed as per the fishing schedule. Depending on weather conditions, Kharlovka guests will have the opportunity to fish during the week on the Litza River, and may choose to overnight at the Litza Tent Camp.

Fishing hours run from early morning to late evening in coordination with the camp manager. Rod sharing may be allowed in special situations. ASR operates a team system of one guide and two anglers. The local Russian guides are English speaking and ‘tundra-smart,’ with intimate knowledge of the area and with all skills needed to ensure safe and enjoyable days out. The guides are dedicated, hardworking, and long standing experts on the rivers with the majority of them having more than 10 years of experience. They know where the fish lie and the flies and techniques to catch them, in all water conditions. They are fully equipped to support your days fishing.

In the late afternoon the rods are flown back to camp for drinks, dinner and stories. Guests may continue to fish after dinner in the home pools. There also is high standard trout and char fishing in the vicinity and guests will be accommodated if they wish to enjoy this experience.

The operations use Russian MI-8 and Eurocopter 120B helicopters which are reliable and well-serviced with experienced and highly professional crews. Hearing protection is provided for your daily flights. Rubber dinghies are also available in the majority of the pools for the guides to transport guests across the river. All fishing is done by wading and never from the boats.

In accordance with the Mandate of the Atlantic Salmon Reserve (established June 2007), please remember the following guidelines: Please never pick up a fish by its tail, or drag a fish up onto the bank. Please keep the fish in the water as much as possible while unhooking and photographing it, and please do not handle with dry hands.  Use only barbless hooks (pinching down the barbs is sufficient), and please do not use treble hooks.

Spring Season (late May – mid-June): Big fresh springers up to 40+ lbs (average 20 lbs) and kelts on their way back to the sea. Water levels can be high with the salmon moving up along the banks and slower side pockets. Water temperatures in the spring usually range from 1°- 8° C. Main Spring fishing areas are on the lower beats of the rivers.

Primetime Season (mid-June – mid-July): The main run Multi  Sea Winter salmon is on. They are average 15+ pounds with many opportunities for the big 30-40 pounders. Water levels are dropping back to perfect levels with temperatures in the range of 7°-14° C. Salmon are now starting to stack up through the upper beats of all rivers.

Summer Season (mid-July – early August): Grilse start running mixed with Two Sea Winter salmon. Many summer weeks we will still land fresh salmon up to 20 pounds. Water level is dropping, with the all the beat fishable. Water temperatures can range from 10°-20° C.

Autumn Season (late August – mid-September): Large colored spring salmon start to become active again. Osenkas or big bright autumn fish start entering the rivers average size is between 15-30 pounds. Water level is at the lowest mark, rains induce spates. Water temperatures are approximately 10° C. Fishing can be great through all the upper and lower beats.

Accommodations and Meals:
The Kharlovka Lodge camp is a thoughtfully designed, quaint little village in which all guests are accommodated in private wooden cabins situated in a sheltered birch forest adjacent to the legendary Kharlovka home pool. All the cabins are fitted with full en-suite facilities including warm heaters, personal drying closets, and 220V European two pin plug power points. The cabins are interconnected with the main lodge by an intricate network of walkways that preserve the fragile tundra below. In addition to our fishing guests, there are up to 30 staff members making sure everything runs like clockwork.

The food is of the highest standard and the stream side lunches, including hot Russian soups, are a welcome daily treat. All wines and alcoholic drinks are included, as is the laundry service in which everything miraculously returns pressed and folded back on your made bed the next day. If requested, and many days if even not, there will be a roasting hot sauna prepared for your arrival back to the lodge where rods can relax after a hard day of fishing. There are also nicely stocked fly tying facilities at both camps in addition to a complete selection of fishing gear should you need to borrow anything.

Typical Daily Schedule:
Kharlovka guests, depending on conditions, should each have a day on the Eastern Litza River. When you are at the lodge the day breaks down as follows:
8:00 AM: Breakfast
9:00 AM: Depart for fishing
2:00 PM: Stream side lunch
6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Return to the lodge
8:30 PM: Dinner