Wednesday 29 November 2017


The Sedanka is Kamchatka’s most famous and productive spring creek. Its waters are home to all five species of pacific salmon, rainbow trout, kundzha and Dolly Varden. As with many spring creeks the insect populations are robust and returning salmon provide an additional boost of nutrients creating a remarkable rainbow trout fishery, most of which are in the 18 to-23 inch range, with others reaching sizes upwards of 27 inches. As a spring creek, the Sedanka is very consistent and stable and remains one of the best dry fly rivers in Russia. The Sedanka is a remote west-side system located three hours northwest of Petropavlovsk by helicopter. The program takes six anglers per week virtually assuring you solitude streamside.  The guide days are a combination of walk and wade, day floats in rafts and the occasional jet boat ride to access the lower portions of the river. All fishing will be done by wading with the boats used solely for transportation. This trip requires some walking and while not overly challenging, it's best suited for those who enjoy hiking. 

3-hour helicopter flight north of Petropavlovsk

Fishing Program:
The Sedanka’s rainbow trout are large by US standards and quite numerous. The consistent flows and temperatures allow for excellent insect hatches and some of the best dry fly fishing opportunities on the peninsula. Along with great “match the hatch” fishing, the trout here are also very opportunistic and have a hard time refusing a large meal such as a well presented mouse or streamer pattern. The Sedanka fishing program is based around three fixed camps. Anglers will float between these camps in rafts getting out to fish prime runs. At Camp 1 anglers will walk up and downstream to fish. At Camp 2 jetboats will shuttle rafts upstream to float back down to camp and in Camp 3 jetboats will be employed to access all prime water. Guest will fish two per guide and will rotate between all the guides. Typically there will be two Russian guides and one English speaking guide. 

July is the warmest months and provides some of the best dry fly fishing of the season. In addition to mayflies and caddis, this time of year is also rich in mosquitoes. In August the salmon arrive and along with the salmon come the Dolly Varden which can be numerous and eager. September is considered the late season and can be chilly but incredibly beautiful and productive. Despite the river being full of salmon spawn, the fish do not get overly focused on the eggs and anglers continue to well on mice and streamers and never need to set up egg fishing rigs. 

Accommodations and Meals: 
The Sedanka features three permanent camps with guests cabins, separate dining facility, flush toilets and hot showers. The camps are spread about 10 miles apart from each other and over the course of your six days anglers float in rafts between each. 

Cabins are double occupancy with padded bunks and guests bring their own sleeping bags. The cabins are spacious with covered porches perfect for hanging wet waders. There are two flush toilets per camp with shower rooms that have endless hot water from the wood-fired plumbing systems. The kitchen and dining rooms are log cabin style structures and there are wooden walkways that connect the buildings. 

The meals are hearty but not what could be considered gourmet. There is plenty to go around, so guests will not go hungry. It does need to be said that the experiences in Russia are rustic, remote and not fancy, but they are comfortable. Beer and vodka are for sale at camp, and other adult beverages can be brought in from the US. 

Sample Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrive in Anchorage and overnight at your elected accommodations (arranged independently, not included in package)
Day 2: Take a cab or shuttle to your international flight to Petropavlovsk (flight is independently arranged and is an additional cost, we can assist and recommend an agent to help with this process). Arrival from Anchorage is 8:00 AM. After passing through customs and immigration, fishermen collect luggage and are greeted by the ground staff. Transfer to the helicopter for the flight to camp (the process can be slow, so please be patient). At camp, you can get settled and ready for walk and wade fishing
Days 3: Walk and wade from Camp 1
Day 4: Float and wade fish to Camp 2
Day 5: Walk and wade while also floating back down to Camp 2
Day 6: Float and wade fish to Camp 3
Day 7: Jet boat access around lower camp, wade and fish
Day 8: Morning walk and wade fishing around Camp 3. Afternoon helicopter flight back to Petropavlovsk for an 8:00 PM flight back to Anchorage
Day 9: Flight back home from Anchorage after 8:00 AM

Sedanka Park Hotel