Wednesday 29 November 2017

Fishing and Angling in Moscow

Fishing is a very popular pastime in Russia, and there are many places around Moscow where fishing is permitted. Nearly all fishing points are located in water reserves (vodokhranilische), but Moskva River and Oka River are also popular sites for angling. There are also a number of fish farms where paid angling is available.

A permit is not generally required for fishing in Moscow although there are restrictions on the number of fish caught, the size of the fish and the fishing methods used. Fishing is prohibited in some waters.

Rules and Regulations

Fishing in Moscow and in the nearby regions is regulated by Moskva-Oka Regional Department of Federal Fishery Agency (Moskovsko-Okskoe Territorial'noe Upravlenie Federal'nogo Agentstva po Rybolovstvu).

Moskva-Oka Regional Department of Federal Fishery (in Russian)
At: Varshavskoe shosse 39a, Moscow
Tel: (499) 611 3509

To download the rules and regulations for fishing in Moscow: Click here (PDF in Russian)

Fishing Areas

While fishing in Russia is generally free, fishing in the city itself is generally not a good idea. There are few fish, and due to water pollution they may not be edible. The rivers, lakes and water reserves around the wider Moscow region (Podmoskovye) offer much better fishing opportunities.

Moskva River (Moscow River)

In the headwaters of Moskva River there are roach, bream, orfe, perch and pike. The best place for angling on Moskva River is upstream of Mozhayskoe water reserve.

Oka River

Oka is the most popular river in the area for fishing. There are over 20 types of fish in the river: perch, orfe, bream, dogfish, roach, chub, pike-perch, catfish and more.

Moscow Canal

Moscow Canal is inhabited by many types of regional fish: roach, perch, bream, orfe and even pike and pike-perch. Angling in Moscow Canal is difficult, however, because of varying water levels and streams.

Mozhayskoe water reserve

Mozhayskoe water reserve is another popular location for summer and winter fishing. It is most famous for roach, bream, pike, chub, perch and eel.

Klyazminskoe water reserve

Klyazminskoe Vodokhranilische is the closest water reserve to Moscow. It is located on Klyazma River and is a very popular location among anglers. Roach, bream, white bream, perch and pike are a very common catch here, while catfish, pike-perch and dogfish are more rare.

Ivan'kovskoe water reserve

Ivan'kovskoe is the largest water reserve in the Moscow region. It is often called "Moscow Sea". Bream, roach, pike and perch are a usual catch. Pike-perch, dogfish and tench are rare but are possible to catch.

Fishing Farms

Several locations around Moscow provide paid fishing with varying limits to the catch or fishing time. Fishing and angling on fish farms or paid fishing spots often guarantees successful fishing.

Fisher Village (Rybatskaya Derevnya)

Fisher Village is a recreational complex that also features paid fishing. The pond on the territory is inhabited with trout, catfish, sturgeon and carp. Both summer and winter fishing is available.

Fisher Village (in Russian)
Tel: (495) 772 9072 / (495) 772 4768
"In the Woods" (Lesnye Ugodya)
Another outdoor recreational complex that provides paid angling. There are two ponds on the grounds of the complex inhabited with a wide range of fish: trout, carp, crucian carp, silver carp, pike, and sturgeon.

"In the Woods" (in Russian)
Tel: (495) 228 7766 (reservations) / (920) 875 8868

Senezh Lake

Senezh Lake is a popular fishing place located approximately 50 Km from Moscow Ring Road. The lake is inhabited with bream, pike, pike-perch, carp, crucian carp, roach, eels and ruffe.

Senezh Lake (in Russian)
Tel: (985) 992 9809

Ponti Lake

The artificial Ponti Lake is a base for summer and winter angling. The lake is located approximately 40 Km from Moscow Ring Road. Pike, river trout, carp, grass carp and silver carp are found here.

Ponti Lake (in Russian)
Tel: (496) 473 3499

Sport Angling
All matters of sport angling are regulated by the Russian Angling Federation (website in Russian).

For a schedule of upcoming angling events both near Moscow and in other cities and countries: Click here (in Russian)