Wednesday 29 November 2017


Zendzur Lodge the most grand of the permanent lodge facilities in Kamchatka and fishes the large lower reaches of the mighty Zhupanova River. The structure is beautifully designed and originally built by a Russian outfitter as a wedding gift to his daughter. With that said, it is still very rustic by western standards. There is a banya built around the ancient hot springs and offers guests a relaxing place to soak and share fish stories. Each day each two guests set out via jet boat with their guide. While most angling is done while wading guests are free to fish from the boat if preferred. The river is home to trophy sized rainbow trout averaging 24 inches long with fish over 30 inches caught fairly often. Similar to other Kamchatka rivers, they crush skated mouse patterns and streamers and on occasion can be coaxed up to a dead drifted dry fly. For those looking for the most comfortable stay on the Kamchatka peninsula and a shot at the biggest rainbows in Russia, this is the choice.

Fishing Program:
Each day two anglers will join their guide for the day. The guides are a mix of experienced Russian and Western guides and guests will rotate between them during their stay. Anglers will access the river via 18 foot aluminum jet skiffs, much like those used in Alaska. The guide will shuttle you to the best fishing and while most angling is done while wading, anglers who prefer to fish from the boat can exercise that option. The wild rainbows here are typically targeted either by swinging skated mice on the surface or large streamers just sub-surface. The fish are large by any standard with monsters over 30 inches lurking always. Anglers can expect to cover about 20 river miles via boat during their stay.

The lodge fishes roughly 20 miles of river that are broken into three beats. The wading here is moderately difficult and river is well suited to both single hand rods and spey rods. This program is best suited for anglers that are true trophy trout hunters. This is not a high numbers game but rather a program where we hope that anglers will encounter 2-5 rainbows a day over 24 inches, with a chance at some real monsters. There are also lots of Dollies, as well as anadromous kundzha (a large white-spotted char) and coho in season.

Accommodations and Meals:
While the accommodations at Zendzur are the finest on the Kamchatka peninsula, they still qualify as very rustic by western standards. The attractive main lodge has four double occupancy suites and a sitting room. There also are two separate cabins where additional guests can stay in comfort. The suites have a table with chairs, ample storage for gear and private baths. The cabins are similarly appointed. The custom built 10 x 12 banya was constructed around the natural thermal hot spring and is a great place to relax after a long day of fishing.   

The meals here are hearty and good with meals dominated by regional cuisine. The dishes are a mix of seafood, and meat along with home grown vegetables and fresh baked breads. The cook staff also prepares great pastries and snacks each day. The shore lunches are a highlight and often feature freshly caught salmon or Dolly Varden.  

Sample Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrive in Anchorage and overnight at your elected accommodations (arranged independently, not included in package)
Day 2: Take a cab or shuttle to your international flight to Petropavlovsk. (flight is independently arranged arranged and is an additional cost, we can assist and recommend an agent to help with this process).Arrival from Anchorage is 8:00 a.m. After passing through customs and immigration, fishermen collect luggage and are greeted by the ground staff. Transfer to the helicopter for the flight to camp. (the process can be slow, so please be patient.) At camp, you can get settled and do some walk and wade fishing near the lodge.
Days 3 - 7: After breakfast you will be assigned a guide and jet boat form the lodge for a mix of wade and boat fishing. Meet for lunch on the river. Arrive at camp in the evening before dinner.
Day 8: Morning walk and wade fishing around camp if you choose. Afternoon helicopter flight back to Petropavlovsk for a 8PM flight back to Anchorage
Day 9: Flight back home from Anchorage after 8AM