Friday 30 September 2016

Pike & Musky Fly Recipes!

Baitfish - Whitlock's Swimming

Hook - stainless steel - straight eye - 2/0
Thread - red
Weed Guard - heavy clear monofilament
Tail - four white and two grizzly saddle hackles with silver and pearl krystal flash
Sides - two white hackles short
Throat - red flashabou
Collar - white deer hair on the bottom natural deer hair on top
Head - orange then red deer hair spun and clipped to shape
Eyes - gold doll eyes

Bunny Bug

Hook - standard saltwater 3/0
Weed guard - heavy clear monofilament
Thread - black
Tail - 4 inch strip of black rabbit with several strands of black krystal flash shorter than tail
Butt - orange marabou
Body - black rabbit strip palmered to 1/4" of eye
head - black thread lacquered heavily
Eyes - white with black pupil

Dahlberg Diver - Purple

Hook -standard saltwater hook sizes 2 and larger
Thread - yellow
Weed guard - heavy clear monofilament
Wings -black marabou
Sides - two black & white grizzly hackles enclosed by two yellow & black grizzly hackles, and crystal, yellow or black crystal flash (may combine) and white saddle hackle tips or pearl tinsel
Topping - silver and gold flashabou and peacock herl
Collar - yellow and black deer hair
Head - black and yellow deer hair, spun and clipped to shape
Legs - white and black rubber legs

Drew's Musky Buster*

Hook - standard saltwater sizes 5/0 to 1/0
Thread - fire-orange
Weight - (optional) 15 to 20 wraps of .020" lead wire
Tail - 5 to 6" strip of white rabbit strip over 8 pieces of pearl Krystal Flash
Body - white sparkle yarn or antron
Wing - 8 pieces gold Krystal Flash under white bucktail that extends well past the hook bend
Throat - white bucktail extending past hook bend under a small bunch of red krystal flash that extends to the hook bend
Topping - brown bucktail extending to the hook bend
Comments-this pattern is also effective when tied in yellow, chartreuse and black. This becomes an excellent pike pattern when tied substituting red bucktail for white.

Hairwater Pup - Black

Hook - standard salmon streamer hook sizes 1/0
Thread - red
Weed guard - heavy clear monofilament
Tail - black rabbit fur strip-also over the body
Rib - fine silver wire
Body - black rabbit dubbing
Throat - red flashabou short
Collar - black deer hair
Head - black deer hair spun and clipped
Eyes - audible eyes blue

Lefty's Deceiver - Blue/white

Hook - standard saltwater stainless steel size 4/0 - 1/0
Thread - black
Tail - eight white saddle hackles with a few strands of blue krystal flash and pearl flashabou
Body - flat silver tinsel
Throat - white bucktail
Underwing - white bucktail on sides as well
Wing - blue bucktail
Topping - 6 to 8 strands of peacock herl
Collar - red thread
Eyes - painted - white with black pupil
Comments - there are a number of variations in this deceiver patter that are effective on pike and muskies. Experimentation will doubtless lead to an effective pattern for you area.

Rabbit Strip Diver

Hook - stinger - 2, 6, 10
Thread - white
Weed Guard - heavy clear monofilament
Tail - yellow rabbit fur strip
Topping - gold flashabou
Collar - yellow deer hair spun and clipped on the bottom
Head - yellow deer hair spun and clipped to shape
Note on Diver patterns - Deer hair is easily destroyed by these fish. A better route to go is to use wool for the head instead of deer hair.
*Muskie Buster pattern - compliments of Andrew Price at Hook & Hackle.