Friday 30 September 2016

Rod Building Kits by Hook & Hackle

We like to have 'all inclusive' kits ready to go for our customers. Some people say that each rod should be individualized, but the fact is, most 'newbies' need a good place to start when they wish to begin.

We suggest starting with an inexpensive kit which comes complete with glues, epoxies, brushes, instructions (our are online for free), tip top cement and all the rods components like guides, hookkeeper, tip top, cork grip and reel seat. We think that as you build this first one, you'll begin to discern about the different aspects of rod building. And if you don't like it, you didn't spend too much so you don't have to worry about that. But fact is, we know for certain, that no matter what you first build, it will instantly become your new favorite rod upon completion. And that's the fun of it.

And the other nice thing about a kit is you know that we spent time selecting a blank and components that we know will work together nicely. No guessing on your part. And in our case, the kits are priced at a discount to prices you'd pay if purchasing all the components separately.
Many new customers was their first rod to be perfect. While its a good idea conceptually, we don't won't research/details/obsessiveness to prevent you from making one at all. We see this happen too often.

Remember, we have kits in many different styles, colors and price ranges to fit your budget. Also, we can swap out a component or two for you on most kits if you have a strong preference for say, single foot guides over traditional snake guides.

What we've been starting to do in order to increase the fun factor, we're are constantly introducing new kits in smaller quantities with some components that will construct a rod that'll be quite different from anything you already own. These are being sold as limited editions because we're assembling components that are either hard to find, discontinued or just have a big 'wow' factor.' We've done this with our new "Xi" series and the results have been outstanding.