Friday 30 September 2016

Streamer Recipes!

Black Ghost

Hook - streamer hook 6X
Thread - black
Tail - yellow hackle fibers. Tied short and sparse.
Body - black floss
Rib - medium flat silver tinsel
Throat (hackle) - yellow hackle fibers tied sparse
Wings - four white saddle hacles
Cheeks - jungle cock eyes (optional)

Black Nose Dace

Hook - streamer 6X sizes 4 - 12
Thread - black
Tail - red yarn short
Body - flat silver tinsel
Wings - brown bucktail over black bear hair over white bucktail

Brook Trout (Little)

Hook - streamer 6X sizes 4 - 12
Thread - black
Tail - bright green bucktail with a little piece of red floss over
Rib - flat silver tinsel
Body - cream wool yarn
Throat - orange bucktail
Wings - bucktail - bottom to top - white, orange, green with grey squirrel tail over the top

Fiery Brown

Hook - streamer 6X sizes 2 - 6
Thread - black
Tag - gold floss & tinsel
Rib - ffine oval gold tinsel
Body - fiery brown dubbing (seal substitute)
Throat - brown hackle
Wings - bronze mallard
Cheeks - jungle cock eyes (optional)

Grey Ghost

Hook - streamer 6X sizes 2 - 12
Thread - black
Tag - fine flat silver tinsel
Rib - Fine flat silver tinsel
Body - orange floss
Throat - top to bottom: four strands of peacock herl, white bucktail, gold pheasant crest.
Underwing - gold pheasant crest
Wings -4 dun grey saddle hackles
Sides - silver pheasant body feathers
Cheeks - jungle cock eyes (optional)
Comments - The original pattern called for wings as two saddle hackles olive under and two dun grey over. This was later changed to four oive dun saddles. Lately all dun saddle hackle seems to be the norm.

Matuka - Black

Hook - streamer 6X long sizes 2 - 12streamer 3X sizes 4 - 8
Thread - red
Rib - silver wire
Body - black chenille, peacock herl or black glo-brite chenille
Wings - four black hen saddle hackles tied matuka style
Head - red thread
Hackle - black hen hackle
Eyes - painted yellow with black pupil (optional)

Matuka - Olive

Hook - streamer 6X long sizes 2 - 12
Thread - olive
Rib - copper wire
Body - olive chenille
Wings - four grizzly hen back hackles dyed olive tied matuka style
Hackle - dyed olive grizzly hen hackle
Eyes - painted yellow with a black pupil

Mickey Finn

Hook - streamer 6X long sizes 2 - 12
Thread - black
Rib - fine silver oval tinsel
Body - flat silver tinsel
Wings - bucktail in layers-yellow, red, yellow

Muddler Minnow

Hook - streamer 4X sizes 2 - 14
Thread - black
Tail - mottled turkey quill
Body - gold braided metallic tinsel (or gold tinsel chenille or flat gold tinsel ribbed with gold oval tinsel)
Underwing - grey squirrel tail fibers
Wings - mottled turkey quill
Collar - natural deer hair spun
Head - natural deer hair spun and clipped
Comments - This is probably the biggest producing streamer pattern in existence.

Rainbow Trout

Hook - streamer 6X sizes 4 - 12
Thread - black
Tail - bright green bucktail
Rib - flat silver tinsel
Body - gray rabbit dubbing or gray wool yarn
Throat - orange bucktail
Wings - bucktail - bottom to top - white, pink, green with badger hair over the top
Cheeks - jungle cock eyes (optional)